Tip 01
On Exposing

When taking an iPhone photo, slightly underexpose your image so that highlights and details are preserved. It will also make it easier to edit the image.
From Your Lens, To Our Blog
In honor of National Photography Month, we asked you to share your best photo advice. You shared tips on light, angles, cropping, and so much more. Needless to say, we’re immensely inspired by those lenses of yours.
Looking for tips that go beyond the shutter? Meet our simple photo editing guide.
Tip 01
When taking an iPhone photo, slightly underexpose your image so that highlights and details are preserved. It will also make it easier to edit the image.
Tip 02
Taking an object and placing it at the bottom of your lens causes a minimal reflection that adds mystery to your image.
Tip 03
Overcast days are a beautiful way to use natural light without the harsh sunlight that can sometimes ruin a photo — make sure to keep your camera by your side on days like this.
Tip 04
I have found that it's best to keep my camera close by at all times and at a pretty natural setting on continuous shoot mode (which can be done by holding down the shutter) — this helps you be nimble when an unexpected photo opportunity comes.
Tip 05
Pick a subject, and then take a step back. You might get more negative space, or maybe you’ll get a beautiful backdrop (like the rock, ocean, and sky pictured here!).
Tip 06
Tap on your screen on your iPhone to get the right amount of light to fill into the lens. Make sure to watch your exposure, so that the photo doesn’t look too blown out.
Tip 07
Being aware of your surroundings and how they draw the eye into the photo makes for an interesting image. You can use people and natural landscapes as leading lines that will draw the viewer in.
Tip 08
Don’t be afraid to shoot in harsh, midday light. This kind of light combined with the simple landscape of the beach makes for a bright and minimal vibe.
Tip 09
Use your surroundings to illustrate how small we really are — perspective can change an entire scene.