the stories we tell

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Customer Stories

“Print it. Make it shine! We trust our treasured family art with
@artifactuprising every time. They have a huge selection of quality printing
services that instantly up-level the photos that are most important to me.”
Explore Frames

“We’ve spent as much of the summer as we could at the water’s edge with a
rotating cast of friends and cousins. So much of it is fleeting but some
moments got immortalized in a book from artifactuprising ... something for
their little hands to hold.”
Explore Albums

For the Love of Layflats
“While you're pregnant it's hard to see your body as it really is, and
to appreciate all you're capable of. I'm so grateful we captured these
moments as a family of almost four.”
Create a Layflat Album

Freshen Up With Frames
“A little refresh throughout the home always feels good! I’ve been
slowly updating our gallery wall in the past few months with new prints
from @artifactuprising and just finally finished it and I love how it
turned out!”
Create a gallery frame